Sunday, November 4, 2007

Learing new expressions.

Over the weekends, I found some interesting expressions.
The first one is a word, 'moonlight'.
I think many people knows the meaning of 'moonlight' as a noun, which means the
light from the moon as you guess from the two word combination between moon and light.
Here is another usage of 'moonlight' as a verb, which means someone has a second job
in addition to their main job. I could discoverd a good example.
e.g. An engineer who was moonlighting as a taxi driver.
That is, the engineer has two jobs at the same time; one is an engineer, another is a taxi driver.

Next, the word 'cast' is also fascinating. It can be used as a 'verb' as well as 'noun'.
This week I learned a new expression, "cast doubts on". Let me give an example.
e.g. Last night, a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory.
It means someone or something cause people to be unsure or question about it.
I think casting doubt on the existing theory sometimes can change the world because
it allows people to look at it with creative or critical thinking.

The last thing is the expression of "Given the choice between A and B, I would choose~~".
I think something omitted in front of the word 'Given', I guess it may be "If I were"(?),
I am not sure though. Let's see the example.
e.g. Given the choice between studying abroad and in one's own country, I would choose
studying abroad.
Learning something new makes me motivated and developed. I wish my choice, studying
abroad in Iowa, might be wise. :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You picked three particularly helpful expressions in English. As a native speaker, sometimes I take such phrases for granted and don't appreciate their value. Also, we use "hope" for things that are more likely to come true, and "wish" for things that are less likely.

I wish I had a million dollars.
I hope I earn a lot of money.

Notice that "wish" takes the past tense. It is subjuntive. "Hope" takes the present, because it's indicative. :)