Saturday, October 27, 2007

Traditional wedding vs. Modern wedding in Korea

Korean Traditional Wedding Ceremony
In ancient time, wedding in Korea was not a matter about bride and groom, but two families. Therefore, arranged marriage which means a wedding by arranged by parents was dominant for a long time. Most bride and groom could not know about each other at all such as face, personality, and name. They had to follow their parents’ decision. On the wedding day, bride and groom wore Korea traditional costume called ‘Hanbok’, which is very colorful and beautiful clothes made by silk. Usually, wedding ceremony was held in the yard of the bride and many neighbors and relatives congratulated on them.

Modern Wedding Ceremony in Korea
As Korean society has been modernized rapidly since 1970, marriage pattern changed into love marriage which refers to the marriage of man and woman who are in love with each other. Although arranged marriage still remains in Korea, love marriage is common. Most wedding ceremonies were performed in the Wedding Halls which are decorated with wedding motif. Bride and groom wear western style costumes such as white or black tuxedo for groom and white wedding dress for bride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture you included. It seems that traditions have changed so much so fast, it's hard to believe. Your writing is become quite neat and even.